Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Insulation is an important (and often overlooked) component of your home. Properly installed and sized insulation will help keep your home cool in summer, warm in winter, reduce drafts and keep the noise level down between the living space and outdoors.

The ability of insulation to slow the transfer of heat is measured in "R" values. The higher the "R" value, the better the insulation's ability to resist heat flow thru it.

If you plan on keeping your home for more than a few years insulation will pay for itself in energy savings by decreasing heating and cooling bills. Be sure to have proper insulation in the following areas:
  • Attic - Department of Energy recommends R-38 for most of the counrty. Install insulation in the attic floor as needed to separate the living space below from the attic above. Insulation is not normally installed in gable walls or touching the roof decking in this area of the country. Don't forget to insulate over the attic hatch or pull-down stairway.
  • Pipes - insulate water supply pipes carrying hot water for energy savings. It is especially important to insulate all supply pipes in unheated areas such as basements and crawlspaces to prevent freezing (the pipes will burst) and condensation.
  • Ducts - insulate heating and cooling ducts for energy savings. Insulation here will also prevent condensation, which will help to prevent mold and mildew in the home.
  • Walls - proper insulation here will keep heating and cooling bills down, make the home quieter, and prevent drafts.
  • Hot Water Heater - uses less energy when insulated, saves money. Be sure to leave openings for the controls, don't place the insulation close to any flames on the unit.
  • Basement - insulate floors above cold spaces, such as unheated basements, crawlspaces and garages. In garages make sure there is a fire barrier covering the insulation.

A prime component of your insulation system is the vapor barrier. Vapor barriers keep moisture from moving from one space to another. For example, a vapor barrier should be installed in a dirt crawlspace to keep moisture from rising up through the dirt and entering the living space above. Make sure vapor barriers are installed correctly to reduce moisture, mold, and mildew in the home.

Last but not least, make sure there are no gaps in the insulation where air and moisture can penetrate. Air movement negates the purpose of insulation - when it is improperly installed insulation can be useless. Make sure fiberglass batts in the attic cover the flooring with no gaps between. Sections of duct and pipe insulation should be joined and secured with tape. Wall insulation should be correctly installed and secured to prevent settling where gaps can occur.

Contact an insulation professional for advice before getting started. For more information visit